Colony blocks

No. of unit typesFlags

There are three methods of blocking in colonies:

Method Description
Single-unit suicideSend a gen with one of each troop type to enable the attack marshal(s) to clear the intercept area
Multi-unit suicideSend a marshal with troops calculated to enable the attack marshal(s) to clear the intercept area
Kill attemptSend a marshal with sufficient troops to kill the camp, should the battle last longer than the leader camp attack

The single-unit attack is easiest, as it does not require working out how many of which troop type is needed to make the block against the enemy troops. Instead, count the number of flags needed by the other marshal(s) to pass through the area of interception and load one of each troop type to make the block.

Each troop type will block sufficiently for <3 flags??> of travel, and round changeover adds to that. A 3-unit block will allow 18 flags of travel for other marshals.